

Cleentek sharpens the chemistry profile

Cleentek vil give kunderne større indflydelse på sammensætningen af kemi ved at lancere et helt nyt produktprogram i eget navn

Cleentek begins the fall with an order boom

The industrial washing plants from Vejleproducenten are in high demand this autumn

Vejle company constructs record-long conveyor washer for the automotive industry

A 12.5-meter automation system, one of the longest systems Cleentek has ever designed

Cleentek sees great potential in hospitals: First order delivered to Norway

The Vejle manufacturer is looking into a new business area with the delivery of a specially designed washing system for hospital equipment. The solution has ...

Automated washing solutions need more space: Cleentek is building new facilities

Many orders for drum and tunnel washers from the metal and aluminum industry as well as greater demand for the new business area ultrasonic washing ...
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